Lilongy最愛的Dumbo...竟然在高雄高鐵站的市集百貨中發現了~~超開心! |
Lilong的啟蒙故事 Dumbo
一個因故與媽媽分開,而獨自在馬戲團中被欺負的小象;因為他大大的耳朵而被取笑,然後靠著朋友Timothy Mouse的鼓勵及烏鴉的啟發,學會了飛翔!小象Dumbo不僅找回了他媽媽,也在馬戲團中成為飛翔的超級大明星!
When Lilong was a baby, Mami bought the French Dumbo story book from the french flea market as gift. Lilong used this book to understand the strong love between Dumbo and his mom. Then, we had a chance to find English Dumbo book in a Book Exchange Activity in Taiwan. Therefore, Lilong can read French one with Papa and the English one with Mama.Lilong loves this book. He learned how Dumbo loves his mom, and how his mom tries her best to protect him. Moreover, Lilong learned how brave he should be when he gets trouble or has problems.