從 Baby到現在,都是只有Papa and Mom自立自強,摸索著希望成為給Lilong最多愛的父母;揣摩著如何成立一個家,建立一套自己的家庭模式,讓Lilong快樂成長;也和Lilong一起學習及成長,讓Lilong也跟著我們一起學習與成長,學習各種事物....
這樣的歷程,很自由自在,但不像別人家有長輩的幫忙,卻也少了一個諮詢與協助的對象......也因此,在Lilong的某些重要時刻,我們也只能盡己所能地給予....不夠完美,不夠熱鬧,不夠華麗,不夠精彩..........但卻有Papa and Mom絕對比別人多的滿滿的愛~~~~~As mom and papa always tell Lilong, "je t'aime. Mon bebe."
P.S.Just like tonight, actually we celebrate Lilong's birthday one day earlier because we papa and mom all will be busy on the 8th of May. Therefore, Lilong has to wait for mom finished her study and then mom brought cake for celebration. Lilong never complains about this kind of things. What a lovely boy!
I'm 5 years old. |
另類蛋糕,誰說生日蛋糕不可以多姿多采的拼盤?! |
Lilong got papa's present - Transformers Robot. |
Mom's present to Lilong - Puzzle. 身為老師的媽媽,禮物也一定要有教育意義咩!! |
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